Back in the office, I have been looking in
detail at what kind of processes cause the variations in mixing that we observe
in the VMP data. One source of mixing is the breaking of waves produced from
the interaction of bottom currents with bumps in the sea-bed. These waves
(internal waves) radiate through the ocean interior along density layers. When
the internal waves lose enough energy, they
break, mixing up the water - just like waves breaking on the beach. High
levels of ocean mixing are therefore associated with rough topography and
strong currents, as in the DIMES region of study. The energy from internal
waves contributes to pumping deep ocean waters back to the surface through
vertical mixing, powering the global overturning circulation.
Internal waves typically have wavelengths
of about 100 m, and information about the internal wave field can be obtained
from the temperature, salinity and current velocity data collected by the CTD
which is deployed at the same time as the VMP.
(The data obtained by the VMP is on the millimetre scales). These CTD
data, along with theoretical ideas about how and when internal waves break, can
be used to estimate mixing too. One of my main areas of research is to look at
how well mixing estimates from CTD data compare to those measured directly by
the VMP.
What do you enjoy about being at sea?
I enjoy working in a completely different
environment , especially somewhere as beautiful and remote as the Southern
Ocean - it's not a place where many people get the opportunity to visit! It's
also a lot of fun meeting the other scientists and crew working on the project
and exciting to be involved in such a dynamic and cutting-edge science
programme. I normally manage to sneak in some travelling too - this year I
spent a week camping in Uruguay before joining the ship in Montevideo.
What do you hope to gain?
Hopefully lots of data, new friends and I'd
love to see an ice-berg!
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